Having a public profile on Biomesight is free and optional. Once you have a public profile you will have the ability to receive appointment requests and we will also request reviews on your behalf from your clients.
Biomesight also does not currently charge for booking requests.
To enable a public listing, ensure the following sections on your practitioner profile is completed:
1. Profile Photo - Go to your Practitioner listing page. You can access from My Account - Listing or the "Edit Profile" button on your dashboard.
2. Complete your address. This is so we can show your Country and City on your profile.
3. Complete your appointment pricing, as we include the cost of a consultation on the profiles. Please note that we do not collect any payments on behalf of practitioners at this stage. Click on "Add new record".
4. Complete the relevant fields and save.
5. Once all the above fields are completed, check to see your listing under the practitioner booking page. If you are new to Biomesight your listing will be added to the end. We sort practitioner profiles by a combination of number of samples, number of clients, number of reviews and rating, in order to ensure that practitioners more experienced with Biomesight samples are shown first.