Practitioner Features

  • How can I change the price, description or duration of my consultations?

    To change the price or any other consultation details, please login to Biomesight and go to My Account - consultations And then click edit on the row you want to edit: Update the price and/or other fields and press update.
  • How can I remove a client I no longer work with from my dashboard?

    For practitioners that have many clients, the dashboard might get very busy with all the samples as well as the sample updates from customers. If you were granted access to a client but no longer wish to have access to their results, you can revoke it. Please note though that once you remove a cl...
  • How does booking requests work?

    Biomesight users can browse and view practitioner profiles and submit booking requests using the practitioner booking page. The user enters a brief case description and preferred appointment date on the booking form. Once the booking request is submitted, the practitioner will receive an email ...
  • How to activate your Biomesight listing to receive booking requests

    Having a public profile on Biomesight is free and optional. Once you have a public profile you will have the ability to receive appointment requests and we will also request reviews on your behalf from your clients. Biomesight also does not currently charge for booking requests. To enable a publi...
  • How to Disable Booking Requests on Your Practitioner Listing

    Listings page - Go to your Practitioner listing page. You can access it from My Account - Listing or the "Edit Profile" button on your dashboard. Uncheck the box next to "Allow bookings requests" and click Update Listing to save changes. 3. Once the listings has been updated, you will be remove...
  • How to enable your clients to share their results with you

    1. Go to your listing section in Biomesight. 2.Check the box next to "Allow users to share data with you" and click Update Listing to save changes.   3. Note that practitioners cannot see their own name in the Grant Access section as it's not possible to share data with yourself.
  • Lock client results until released

    Practitioners have the ability to lock their client's results until it is released (unlocked) by them. Two things are required to activate this feature on new samples -  it will not apply to existing samples that are already registered. Enable Sample locking - from your dashboard, click on the "...
  • My client would like to submit a review but do not have a review request that they can respond to - why is that?

    Review requests are periodically generated in the system and is created at least 6 weeks after the client's results are released. This is intentional, so as to allow the client to have a chance to have the session with the practitioner and have time to assess how helpful the consultation has been...
  • Registering kits on behalf of clients

    Practitioners are able to register kits on behalf of their clients. They can also choose to let clients register their own kits. If clients purchase their own kits from us, it's normally easier to let them register their own kits. To register a kit on behalf of a client, from the practitioner das...
  • Reply to a client review

    You will receive an email when a client leaves a review for you. It is possible to reply to a review using Biomesight and for the reply to appear below the review on your public reviews page. To reply to a review: 1. Go to your "My Reviews" page 2. Locate the review - you can search by the cust...
  • Setting up clients in Biomesight

    Practitioners have 3 options available to access their client's profiles and accessing their results on Biomesight. This article focuses on the 2 options that's best when a client is new to Biomesight. It's also possible for clients to register their own accounts and grant access to the practitio...