General Test Questions
10 articles in this Topic
- What is the gut microbiome and why is it important for wellness?
- What can the Biomesight gut microbiome test tell me?
- Will I benefit from a single test and how often would I need to retest?
- Can parasites, viruses, fungi and candida be detected in the Biomesight gut microbiome test?
- Is the test available on the NHS?
- Is it a diagnostic test?
- What happens to my sample after it is sequenced and analysed by the lab?
Sample collection
17 articles in this Topic
- How long do the kits last?
- How long can the bacterial DNA be preserved?
- What happens if I am not able to collect my sample and need a new kit?
- Can I collect a sample while taking oral antibiotics?
- Can I collect a fecal sample when I have diarrhea?
- What happens if my kit does not arrive safely back at the lab?
- What is contained in the test kit?
Processing Times
1 article in this Topic
Test Interpretation
9 articles in this Topic
- Which are the main insights I will gain from doing a Biomesight test?
- Will I be able to get access to newly added sections/interpretations for previous tests results?
- Which output formats do you currently provide?
- Can my GP help to interpret my results?
- Who can assist with interpreting test results?
- I see a virus listed in the CSV results export but can't see it on the platform, why is this?
- What does the percentile and distributions relate to?
3 articles in this Topic
FASTQ uploads from other labs
9 articles in this Topic
- How do I upload my FASTQ data from another lab?
- Which labs are currently supported?
- Which sample types are accepted?
- When will support be added for CSV uploads?
- Can GI Map or GI Effects data be uploaded?
- Are there any specific browser or operating system requirements?
- Common Analysis Differences compared to Ombrelab
2 articles in this Topic
Comparison with other GI tests
1 article in this Topic
Data sharing
2 articles in this Topic
Healthcare Authority Regulatory Oversight
2 articles in this Topic
1 article in this Topic
External Research collaborations
5 articles in this Topic
Other GI Tests
1 article in this Topic
3 articles in this Topic
1 article in this Topic
Analysis Questions
6 articles in this Topic
- How can I get an RDP analysis done for my sample?
- How can I see how Biomesight calculates the percentages for Butyrate, toxins, etc?
- Is it possible to see how common zero values are?
- What does a zero result for a bacteria mean? Does it mean the bacteria is extinct?
- When viewing the bacteria breakdown, why are some columns empty?
- Why are there differences between the median and mean values on the distribution pop-up screen versus the values directly in the tables on the advanced screens?
Data Downloads
3 articles in this Topic
Data Safety
1 article in this Topic
Family Accounts
3 articles in this Topic
Greengenes 2 Bioinformatics Analysis
1 article in this Topic
Ordering supplements from Fullscript
5 articles in this Topic
Practitioner Features
10 articles in this Topic
- How can I change the price, description or duration of my consultations?
- How can I remove a client I no longer work with from my dashboard?
- How does booking requests work?
- How to activate your Biomesight listing to receive booking requests
- How to enable your clients to share their results with you
- Lock client results until released
- My client would like to submit a review but do not have a review request that they can respond to - why is that?
Practitioner Support
1 article in this Topic
Preparing for Sample Collecton
1 article in this Topic
1 article in this Topic
Sample Return
1 article in this Topic
1 article in this Topic
Test coverage
2 articles in this Topic
Translating to other languages
1 article in this Topic
Unexpected changes between samples
1 article in this Topic
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