What does the percentile and distributions relate to on the distribution screens throughout the platform?

The distribution tabs allow you to see how your value compares to others in the community. You can see the full range of the community, rather than just the average or midpoint. This allows you to determine how much of an outlier your value is.
In this example, the sample value of 39.726 is higher than 36% of the community and less than 64% of the community. You can filter the community by using the screen filter at the top of the page.
For more information on using the screen filters, refer to our [article and video](https://biomesight\.com/blog/feature\-update\-screen\-cohort\-filters\).
Below is a breakdown of the values in the table and as it relates to the boxplot distribution:
X  - The X represents your sample's value Lower - Lowest value in the included dataset (we exclude the bottom 2%) Upper - Highest value in the included dataset (we exclude the top 2%) Median - The value at the mid point - the 50% percentile Average - The average value Q1 (25%) - The value at the 25% percentile. This is the lower end of the middle 50%. Q3 (75%) - The value at the 75% percentile. This is the higher end of the middle 50%. In your case as your value is at the 49th percentile, yours is higher than 49% of the community and lower than 51%
Once you have selected a cohort, you will see 2 different boxplot charts - the distribution for the selected cohort as well as for the controls (those remaining in the dataset that's NOT in the selected cohort).
In the screenshot below, we have set the cohort to those with Autism. Now we see that the median and overall range and middle 50% is around lower for those with Autism vs the controls.

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