If you are working with a practitioner that doesn't have an account on Biomesight yet, you can invite them to sign up. Practitioner accounts are free.
To invite your practitioner:
- Login to your Biomesight and go to Practitioner - Grant Access or follow this link: https://biomesight.com/practitioner_grant
- First check that they definitely do not have an account with us yet by searching the practitioner list:
3. Once you've confirmed they do not have an account, you can invite them using the "invite practitioner" button:
4. This will open up a form where you need to enter their name and email address. Once you submit the form, an invitation email will be sent to them with a link to the sign up:
5. Once they sign up, access will be granted to them automatically. You will receive an email when the data sharing is completed. You can revoke access at any time.