Setting up clients in Biomesight

Practitioners have 3 options available to access their client's profiles and accessing their results on Biomesight. This article focuses on the 2 options that's best when a client is new to Biomesight. It's also possible for clients to register their own accounts and grant access to the practitioner manually.

  1. Client sets up their own Biomesight account and shares their results by granting access to the practitioner. If this option is used, the client will get access to their results and receive a notification when the results are ready at the same time as the practitioner.
  2. Create a user with or without a linked Biomesight account

You will have access to a dashboard where you can manage additional profiles and access samples associated with these profiles as soon as your practitioner account is approved.
There's 3 buttons on your dashboard relating to managing client profiles:
client management.png
1. Create Client - this option allows you to create a client, with or without an email address and password. If you specify an email, the user can login to Biomesight with that email. It is optional to set a password. But if you don't, the user will need to reset their password to setup a password. If you create a user this way, you will automatically have access to their health profile and sample results. You can also register kitsĀ  and upload samples on their behalf. You will receive email updates when samples are received or the results are ready, just like the user would if they have an email setup.
2. Invite Client
This is the same as client creation, except that the user will receive an email from Biomesight with an invitation. If they choose to accept it, their account will be created and their results and health profile will be shared with the user that sent the invitation. They would also be prompted to set up their password when they first login.
So this option is better to use for someone that wants access to their results on Biomesight, and will manage everything from the invitation email and the password setup, while the "create user" is more flexible and better if it's for a child without an email or a ferment or something else you are testing, or for a non-gut sample of your own.
3. My clients
The last button "My Clients" is for Client maintenance.
From here you can add an email address to a profile if you didn't set it at the time of creation or you can delete users. User deletion is only possible if there's no associated data for the account. For example. if the person has logged into Biomesight, or any samples are associated with them or any health profile fields have been completed, it is no longer possible to delete a user account.

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